Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June's Theme: FRESHEN UP

OK fellow crafters. The theme for June is "freshen up". Take a look around your home (inside or out) and find something that could use a little facelift, sprucing up, or just needs a new look. Let's reuse these items and make them "new" again rather than throwing them away and buying new ones.

I have been wanting to get a new bedding set for one of our guest rooms. The set in there now is old and really beginning to show its age. The "guts" of the comforter are still great, though, so I hate to throw it away. I thought instead that I would make a duvet cover for it to "freshen it up". There are many tutorials out there on the www that tell how to do this. Most of them say you will need 10+ yards of fabric. A MUCH cheaper way is to use 2 flat sheets for the bed size of the comforter. That's the method I'm going to try. This site ( has step by step instructions, but no photos. I'm going to try this one using the bed sheets. I'll post pictures as I work on it.

Can't wait to hear what everyone else decides to "freshen up". Have fun!!


  1. What a great challenge!!!! I can't wait to see how your duvet cover comes out!

  2. Great idea! I have lots of things that need some TLC and then I will love them again ;)
